Creatine: What | When | Why

Creatine: What | When | Why

Creatine is commonly used for improving performance and increasing muscle mass.

Creatine directly involved in energy production in muscles. It can alter numerous cellular pathways that lead to new muscle growth. For example, it boosts the formation of proteins that create new muscle fibres. Vegan and vegetarians can benefit highly with the use of supplementation as creatine as creatine is commonly found in red meat and seafood.

Creatine also directly improves:

  1. Strength
  2. Ballistic power
  3. Sprint ability
  4. Muscle endurance
  5. Resistance to fatigue
  6. Muscle mass
  7. Recovery
  8. Brain performance

The recommended dosage for athletic performance dependant on usage. If loading then 20g daily for 4-7 days and the maintenance phase is 2-10g daily for around 11 weeks. After a de-load phase of 4 weeks is recommended where no creatine should he consumed.

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